For dinner the other night I made this delicious meal that James loved and I think Zara will love when she gets older!
First I chopped up the breasts on a rotisserie chicken and put them into a bowl.
Then I added half a block of softened cream cheese. I used the 1/3 less fat kind. I mean these are already fattening enough!

Then half an onion I chopped and caramelized for 30 minutes in olive oil.
Added a pinch of salt and pepper.
1 tbls of softened butter.
1 tsp of seasoning salt.
Then I unrolled 1 can of jumbo sized crescents. Took 2 to make a rectangle.
Mixed together the chicken mixture.
Took 1/4 of the mixture and blobbed it in the center of the dough.
Topped with some shredded sharp cheddar cheese.
Grab the corners and wrap them around to make a ball and set on a baking sheet with a sil mat down sealed side down.
Sprinkled the tops with paprika.
It was hard for me not to lick my fingers with that filling.